Mindfulness Guide Me, is to help people achieve their goals and a good mental health, by offering them various excellent tools for healing and personal development.
Mindfulness Guide Me
Mindfulness Guide Me

Mindfulness Guide Me

My primary target is to help people achieve their goals and a good mental health, by offering them various excellent tools for personal development.

Mindfulness Guide Me

On top of every webpage, you will find the option for Google translation, in case you would like to read the website in your own language.
I once, was a soldier and a servant of my country ...
My girlfriend (at the time) was waiting for me, actually five times, when I returned home after my forty-day tour,
She was holding white flowers in her hands and wearing a white dress.
I had to be strong, so I couldn't cry even a single tear.
Not that this was actually the case, as God, my Father, let me to cry.
It was ME who, in my heart, refrained from crying.

Right now, I am ... He revealed to me, my Father's servant and a soldier, just like you could be if you choose for that.
We no longer battle with guns and blood (because Jesus, was and is the LAST sacrifice for this world!!)
We battle with the spirit He bestows upon us as a gift ... the most exquisite gift of all.
We use Light when we fight, the Light that gives Life!
And we are returning home, but this time it is different because our house is waiting for us out in the distance,
and also incredibly bright, clear, and ready for us to return home!
Yes, our large and lovely family is waiting for us; we shall return home!
It is there, glowing brightly in the horizon, and although it appears far away, it is actually far closer than you could ever imagine!

Indeed, I shall keep a watchful eye out for the traps and tricks Lucifer will lay for me and my family ...
my lovely, large family made up of individuals from all over this lovely planet that we call home, at least for now ...
which is also an incredible gift from our Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.
Yes, I am a Christian, but I also have a large number of Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu friends (yes I call them friends, because they are!)
Just as our brother Jesus (Yeshua) told us it ought to be! Why did He tell us? Because He is the Word of his Father ... our Father!
Every day, I am working on "my little baby" (this website) since something new every day completes my conscious experiences.

Most people think that mindfulness is about yoga and meditation, but in fact it is much more than that. In short, it is the awareness of everything in you and around you, personally, locally and globally!

I am decently trained in certain survival skills, also, I studied 'possitive psychiatry & mental health' as well as 'Human Nutrition', have been working as a chef cook and I am a music producer too.
In addition, I can give you the opportunity to meet me in person so you can sample my healthful cuisine and receive my attentive (mindfull) therapy if you reside in the Netherlands, as I do.
In that case, I encourage you to check out my website at www.chefmarcello.nl if you're interested in that opportunity, for an additional unique encounter!
My desire is to help people with online and offline mindfulness projects that I have in mind, in order to achieve a better mental health, especially during this time of crisis which affect all of us.
These mindfulness projects will, especially, concern music therapies with solfeggio frequencies and binaural beats as well, with the purpose of relaxation, stimulation, healing, chakra healing but also dance.
You will find other mindful videos, documentation and mindful productions or topics as well.
Furthermore, I will present helpful videos, documentation and other productions regarding "living off the grid", growing food, as well as survival techniques.
I'm also planning to publish my healthy recipes and to produce some beautiful goodies, for which I'm going to use some of my own or your inspiring art, from (social) media and artistic activities. In addition, I am going to offer personal help to local people in the Netherlands.
Finally, but just as importantly, you may start your own groups, invite friends, exchange experiences, and more on my very own social network called "MindfulnessBook"! However, as of right now (March 13, 2023), this option is inactive because I do not have the necessary funds to make it active again. You can sponsor me to get me to revive it if you'd like (The entire cost will be a $200 one-time payment; this system functions similarly to Facebook, but I won't ever ask for your personal information or bombard you with incessant adverts!). You can find out how to sponsor me, or make a donation, elsewhere on this webpage.

Recently, I started building this website and it is growing each day! I am doing this alone and I am not being financially aided by any company, so if you like my work and effort, you can share it with the share buttons on this website, or you can retweet my tweet with this button below!!
Click to retweet my tweet
If you scroll further down, you will find an option to help me maintaining and developing my website "Mindfulness Guide Me",
by financially aiding me and making a donation.
Thank you for being interested!

Marcello R. Mark
(Founder and owner of NoahProductions and Mindfulness Guide Me).

Please follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MindfulGuideMe

Or follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mindfulnessguideme/

My telegram channel: https://t.me/MindfulnessGuideMe

Or like my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/MindfulnessGuideMe/

Below, I am presenting you, what you can find in the menu and on this website.

Therapeutic Soundgarden

This is the therapeutic section with my own created (music) productions and some other techniques.

In Therapeutic Soundgarden, I am going to present music for relaxation, meditations, (chakra) healings ... spiritual music and dance music, created by myself. Some of the productions will be related to Solfeggio Frequenties and/or Binaural Beats. Furthermore, I will explain how this actually works and I will pay some attention to ASMR.

Click to visit Therapeutic Soundgarden
Click this screen or this link to visit and enjoy Therapeutic Soundgarden.

Music Section

Other people's music productions.

In the music section, I will present music for relaxation, meditation ... spiritual music and chakra healings, made by other people than me. Some of the productions are related to Solfeggio Frequenties and/or Binaural Beats. Furthermore, I will explain how this actually works.

Click to visit the Music Section
Click this screen or this link to visit and enjoy the music section.

Mindful Media

Different kind of media.

In this section, I will present mindful videos, documentation and other mindful productions or topics.

Click to visit the Mindful Media Section
Click this screen or this link to visit and enjoy the mindful media section.

Living off grid

How to live in remote areas without the comfort of general ordinary housings.

In this section, I will present helpful videos, documentation and other productions regarding "living off the grid", growing food, as well as different survival techniques.

Click to visit the Living Off Grid Section
Click this screen or this link to view many things regarding living off the grid.

MindfulnessBook - my new social media platform.

Tired of Facebook, Instagram & Twitter selling your data?

You reached the right place!
Join MindfulnessBook ... my social media platform.
It's just like facebook, only MUCH BETTER.
You can create your own groups, invite friends, share experiences and so on.
The best thing: You are never going to be censored here!!
As long as you follow the simple rules.

MindfulnessBook, our social media platform
Click this screen or this link to join and visit our MindfulnessBook.

Help me maintaining and developing my website "Mindfulness Guide Me".

Please make a donation

Like I said, recently, I started building this website and it is growing each day!
I am doing this alone and I am not being financially aided by any company, so if you like my work and effort, you can make a kind donation!! You would help me a lot and I would be very grateful!

Marcello R. Mark

Please make a donation
Click this screen or this link to make a kind donation.

Main Menu of Mindfulness Guide Me

Mindfulness Guide Homepage Therapeutic Soundgarden Mindfulness Guide music section Mindful Media Living off the grid MindfulnessBook, our social media platform